
Pas1620a Send Feedback: Pas1620a
PASSIO | Su Heilaga Historia, | Vm Pijnu og Dauda vors | Endurlausnara Jesu | Christi. | So sem hin̄ H. Mat- | theus hefur hana sam | an skrifad. | I siø stuttar Predikan- | er saman dreigen. Og a Islen | sku wtlỏgd, af H. Odde Einars | syne Superintendente, Schal- | hollts Sticktis. | Þrykt a Holum. | ANNO M. DC. XX.

Publication location and year: Hólar, 1620
Extent: A-H4. [120] p.

Translator: Oddur Einarsson (1559-1630)
Related item: Oddur Einarsson (1559-1630): LECTORI SALVTEM A2a-b. Formáli dagsettur 25. febrúar 1619.
Keywords: Theology ; Sermons
Decoration: Myndskreyttur rammi á titilblaði.
Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Icelandic books of the seventeenth century, Islandica 14 (1922), 86. • Fiske, Willard (1831-1904): Bibliographical notices 5 (1890), 1.