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  1. Calendarium
    CALEN- | DARIVM | Riim a Islendsku. | So menn meige vita huad | Tijmanum Aarsins lijdur | Med lijtillre Vtskyringu | og nỏckru fleira sem | Rijmenu til | heyrer | Prentad ad nyiu | a Holum. | ANNO | – | M DC XI

    Publication location and year: Hólar, 1611
    Extent: A-B. [47] p. 12°
    Version: 2

    Editor: Arngrímur Jónsson Vídalín ; lærði (1568-1648)
    Keywords: Calendars
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Icelandic books of the seventeenth century, Islandica 14 (1922), 14-15.