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  1. Trois chants de l’Edda
    Trois chants de l’Edda: Vaftrudnismal, Thrymsqvida; Skirnisfor traduits en vers français accompagnés de notes explicatives des mythes et allégories et suivis d’autres poëmes par W.-E. Frye … Se vend, à Paris, pour l’Auteur chez Heideloff et Cie, libraires 18, rue des Filles-St-Thomas 1844.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: París, 1844
    Umfang: xii, [2], 114, [1] bls.

    Þýðandi: Frye, William Edward (1784-1853)
    Viðprent: Frye, William Edward (1784-1853): „La Valhalla Dévoilée, poème mythologique“ 51.-81. bls.
    Viðprent: Tegnér Esaias (1782-1846): „Der Riese 〈Aus dem Schwedischen von Tegner.〉“ 83.-84. bls.
    Viðprent: Tegnér Esaias (1782-1846): „Il gigante 〈Dal suedese di Tegnér〉.“ 85.-86. bls.
    Viðprent: Stagnelius, Erik Johan (1793-1823): „Gli uccelli migranti 〈Flytt-Fåglarne〉, Dal suedese di Stagnelius.“ 87.-89. bls.
    Viðprent: Stagnelius, Erik Johan (1793-1823): „The Valkyrie From the swedish of Stagnelius.“ 90.-91. bls.
    Viðprent: Tegnér Esaias (1782-1846): „The Times of the Asar 〈Asatiden〉. From the swedish of Tegnér.“ 92.-94. bls.
    Viðprent: Oehlenschläger, Adam (1779-1850): „Helgès drapa From the Danish of Ohlenschlager,“ 95.-98. bls.
    Viðprent: Tegnér Esaias (1782-1846): „The 21st Canto of the Frithiofs Saga … From the Swedish of Tegner.“ 99.-102. bls.
    Viðprent: Tegnér Esaias (1782-1846): „Inno mattutino dello scaldo 〈Dal suedese di Tegnér〉.“ 103.-104. bls.
    Viðprent: Ingemann, Bernard Severin (1789-1862): „La spasseggiatrice notturna 〈Nattevandrinden〉 〈Dal danese d’Ingemann〉.“ 105.-107. bls.
    Viðprent: Oehlenschläger, Adam (1779-1850): „Chorus of Ghosts in Helheim, in the tragedy of Balder the Good 〈From the danish of Ohlenschlâger〉.“ 108.-110. bls.
    Viðprent: Oehlenschläger, Adam (1779-1850): „The Prophecy of the Vala announcing a new world. 〈rom[!] the same〉.“ 111. bls.
    Viðprent: Frye, William Edward (1784-1853): „Incarnation des dieux Scandinaves en France.“ 113.-114. bls.
    Efnisorð: Bókmenntir ; Fornrit ; Eddukvæði
    Bókfræði: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the Eddas, Islandica 13 (1920), 14-15.