
7 niðurstöður

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  1. The mineralogy and botany of the Bible
    The Mineralogy and Botany of the Bible. By E. F. C. Rosenmüller, D. D. Translated from the German, with additional notes by T. G. Repp and the rev. N. Morren. Edinburgh: Thomas Clarke, 38. George Street. MDCCCXL.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1840
    Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas

    Þýðandi: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857)
    Þýðandi: Morren, Nathaniel
    Athugasemd: „The Biblical Cabinet; or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library, vol. XXVII.“ Þorleifur Repp þýddi fyrstu 243 bls. bókarinnar.
    Efnisorð: Guðfræði ; Biblían
  2. Carmen
    Carmen ad illustrissimum comitem Carolum Grey. D. XVII. Kal. Octobr. A. MDCCCXXXIV. Edinburgi: Impensis Thomæ Clark. Excudebat Andreas Shortrede. MDCCCXXXIV.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1834
    Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas
    Prentari: Shortrede, Andrew
    Tengt nafn: Grey, Charles
    Umfang: 8 bls.

    Efnisorð: Bókmenntir ; Kveðskapur / Kvæði ; Tækifæriskvæði

  3. Statement
    Statement to the Faculty of Advocates, by Thorl. Gudm. Repp; on the subject of the statement by the curators of the library. Edinburgh: Printed by Andrew Shortrede. MDCCCXXXIV.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1834
    Prentari: Shortrede, Andrew
    Umfang: 22 bls.

    Athugasemd: Dagsett í Edinborg 24. júní 1834.
    Efnisorð: Persónusaga

  4. Unto the honourable the Dean and Faculty
    Unto the honourable the Dean and Faculty of Advocates, the memorial of Thorl. Gudm. Repp …
    Að bókarlokum: „Printed by James Shaw and Company.“

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1828
    Prentari: Shaw, James
    Umfang: 14 bls.

    Athugasemd: Án titilblaðs. Dagsett 10. júlí 1828.
    Efnisorð: Persónusaga

  5. A commentary on the epistles of St. John
    A Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, by Dr. Friedrich Lücke. Translated from the German, with additional notes, by Thorleif Gudmundson Repp. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 38. George Street. MDCCCXXXVII.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1837
    Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas
    Umfang: xii, 384 bls.

    Þýðandi: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857)
    Viðprent: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857): „Translator’s address to the reader.“ v.-xii. bls. Dagsett 10. nóvember 1836.
    Athugasemd: „The Biblical Cabinet; or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library. Vol. XV.“
    Efnisorð: Guðfræði ; Biblían
  6. Classical and modern philology
    Classical and modern philology. [Á blaðfæti:] Edinburgh, 121. Prince’s Street, Oct. 1835.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1835
    Umfang: [1] bls. 20,5×14,4 sm.

    Athugasemd: Auglýsing um málakennslu.
    Efnisorð: Málfræði / Málvísindi ; Einblöðungar

  7. A historical treatise
    A historical treatise on trial by jury, wager of law, and other co-ordinate forensic institutions, formerly in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. By Thorl. Gudm. Repp. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, Law Bookseller, 38. George Street; and Saunders & Benning, 43. Fleet Street, London. MDCCCXXXII.
    Að bókarlokum: „H. & J. Pillans, Printers, Edinburgh.“

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1832
    Útgáfustaður og -ár: London, 1832
    Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas
    Forleggjari: Saunders & Benning
    Prentari: Pillans, H. & J.
    Umfang: xiv, [2], 192 bls.

    Efnisorð: Lög ; Réttarsaga