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  1. Hakon den godes mindesang
    Hakon den Godes Minde-Sang af Eyvind Skaldespilder oversat efter Originalens egne Udtryk og Versemaal ved Finn Magnussen … 〈Særskilt Aftryk af Maanedsskriftet Athene.〉 Kiøbenhavn. Trykt hos P. D. Kiøpping. 1817.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1817
    Printer: Kiöpping, Peter David
    Extent: 13 p.

    Translator: Finnur Magnússon (1781-1847)
    Note: Sérprent úr Athene 8 (1817), 310-320.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  2. Loðbrókarkviða or The death-song of lodbroc
    LODBROKAR-QUIDA; | OR | THE DEATH-SONG | OF | LODBROC; | now first correctly printed from various | MANUSCRIPTS, | with a free English translation. | To which are added, | the various readings; a literal Latin ver- | sion; an Islando-Latino glossary; and | explanatory notes. | – | By | The Rev. James Johnstone A. M. Chaplain to | HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY’S | ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author MDCCLXXXII.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1782
    Printer: Stein, August Friderich (1728-1786)
    Extent: [4], 111 p.

    Editor: Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin (1752-1829)
    Translator: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Variant: Á sumum eintökum er titilblaðið frábrugðið að því leyti að í stað „Printed for the Author“ stendur „Printed by A. F. Steine“.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the mythical-heroic sagas, Islandica 5 (1912), 37.

  3. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Tertiam, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … pro Laurea exhibet Ol. Gilius Kjellman … In Lyceo Carol. d. IX Junii A. MDCCCII. Lundæ, Typis Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [3], 36.-43. p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  4. Loðbrókarkviða or The death-song of lodbroc
    Lodbrokar Quida; or The Death-Song of Lodbroc; correctly grinted[!] from various manuscripts, with a free English translation. To which are added, the various readings; a literal Latin version; an Islando-Latino glossary; and explanatory notes. By … James Johnstone … A new edition. Copenhagen. Printed for G. Bonnier. MDCCCXIII.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1813
    Extent: 111 p.

    Translator: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Note: Titilblaðsútgáfa.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  5. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Secundam, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … pro Laurea exhibet Car. Clem. Rothstein … In Lyceo Carol. d.              Maji A. MDCCCII. Lundæ, Litteris Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [3], 18.-32. p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  6. Ragnar Lodbrok’s des Dänenköniges Sterbgesang
    Ragnar Lodbrok’s des Dänenköniges Sterbgesang.
    Colophon: „Frankfurt am Main. Mit Andreäischen Schriften.“

    Publication location and year: Frankfurt am Main, around 1830
    Extent: [20] p.

    Note: Án ártals.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
  7. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Quintam, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … Publicæ Eruditorum Censuræ Modeste subjicit Franc. Joach. Lorich … Ad Diem XXII Junii A. O. R. MDCCCII. Lundæ, litteris Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [1], 54.-63. p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  8. Five pieces of runic poetry
    FIVE PIECES | OF | RUNIC POETRY | Translated from the | ISLANDIC LANGUAGE. | … | LONDON: | Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-mall. | MD CC LXIII.

    Publication location and year: London, 1763
    Publisher: Dodsley, R. & J.

    Translator: Percy, Thomas (1729-1811)
    Content: Preface; The incantation of Hervor (Hervararkviða); The dying ode of Regner Lodbrog (Krákumál); The ransome of Egill the Scald (Höfuðlausn); The funeral song of Hacon (Hákonarmál); The complaint of Harold (vísur Haralds harðráða); The Islandic originals of the preceding poems.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  9. Bildur danskum
    BILDUR DANSKUM | Det er | Den danske BILDE eller Kaarde. | Præsenterende | En gamle Kiempe Vise om danske Mands | tapperhed oc mand[elige] gierninger, dictet aff REG- | NER LODB[RO]G en Enevolds Konge vdi | Danmarck: Oc [nu nyelig]en paa den danske Sprock som nu | brugelig er, aff den [gamle] w-sædvanlige danske udsat. Med smaa | forklaringer [v]di Brederne huor behoff giøris. | Aff | Christen Berntszøn Wiborg: | ◯ | Hør, Danske Mand, gack ey forbi, | It Øye kast kun først her i, | Om du har lyst til Priis oc Dyd, | Læsz mig, det skal dig ey fortryd’. | – | Prentet Aar, 1652. | –

    Publication location and year: Aarhus, 1652
    Extent: [12] p.

    Translator: Viborg, Christen Berntsen
    Provenance: Talin prentuð í Árósum. Eitt eintak þekkt er í Konungsbókhlöðu í Kaupmannahöfn, óheilt.
    Note: Eftirprentun í Kaupmannahöfn 1877.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
    Decoration: Myndskreyttur rammi á titilblaði. Bókarhnútar, smámyndir eða einkunnarorð.
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Icelandic books of the seventeenth century, Islandica 14 (1922), 60-61.
  10. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Quartam, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … Publico Eruditorum Examini Modeste offert Carolus Carlström … Ad Diem XV Junii A. O. R. MDCCCII. Lundæ, litteris Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [3], 44.-51. p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  11. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Sextam, quæ ultima est, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … Publicæ Eruditorum Censuræ Modeste subjicit Nicolaus Häger … Ad diem III Nov. A. O. R. MDCCCII. Lundæ, litteris Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [1], 66.-77. p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  12. Krakas maal
    Krakas Maal eller Kvad om Kong Ragnar Lodbroks Krigsbedrifter og Heltedød efter en gammel Skindbog og flere hidtil ubenyttede Haandskrifter med dansk, latinsk og fransk Oversættelse, forskjellige Læsemaader, samt kritiske og philologiske Anmærkninger udgivet af C. C. Rafn … Kjøbenhavn. Trykt hos Directeur Jens Hostrup Schultz, kongelig og Universitets-Bogtrykker. 1826.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1826
    Printer: Schultz, Jens Hostrup
    Extent: [8], 152, [2] p., 1 facsimile, 1 note

    Editor: Rafn, Carl Christian (1795-1864)
    Translator: Rafn, Carl Christian (1795-1864)
    Translator: Borring, Lauritz Stephan (1799-1884)
    Note: Dönsk og latnesk þýðing eftir útgefanda, frönsk þýðing eftir L. S. Borring.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the mythical-heroic sagas, Islandica 5 (1912), 37.

  13. Loðbrókarkviða
    Lodbrokar-Quida, carmen Gothicum, famam regis Ragnari Lodbrochi celebrans, Cujus Partem Primam, Consentiente Amplissimo Philosophor. Ordine, præside Nic. Henr. Sjöborg … pro Laurea exhibet Magnus Georg. Meurling … In Lyceo Carol. d.              Maji A. MDCCCII. Lundæ, litteris Berlingianis.

    Publication location and year: Lund, 1802
    Printer: Berlingska Boktryckeriet
    Extent: [2], 16 p.

    Editor: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Translator: Sjöborg, Nils Henrik (1767-1838)
    Note: Texti ásamt latneskri þýðingu.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  14. Skólahátíð
    Ólafs drápa Tryggvasonar
    Boðsrit Bessastaðaskóla
    Skóla hátíd í minníngu fædíngar-dags vors allranádugasta konúngs Fridriks sjötta þann 28. janúaríí 1832 er haldin verdr þ. 29. janúaríí 1832. Bodud af kénnurum Bessastada skóla. Ólafs drápa Tryggvasonar er Hallfredr orti vandrædaskáld, utgefin af Sveinbirni Egilssyni. Videyar klaustri 1832. Prentud af Bókþryckjara Helga Helgasyni, á kostnad Bessastada Skóla.

    Publication location and year: Viðey, 1832
    Publisher: Bessastaðaskóli
    Printer: Helgi Helgason (1807-1862)
    Extent: 22, [2] p.

    Editor: Sveinbjörn Egilsson (1791-1852)
    Keywords: Education ; Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
    Bibliography: Fiske, Willard (1831-1904): Bibliographical notices 1 (1886), 114.