
2 results

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  1. Bjarni Jónsson (1725-1798)
    Fortegnelse over de discipler
    Fortegnelse | over de | Discipler, | som | ere dimitterede | fra | Skalholts Skole | af | Rektor | Biarne Jonsen | fra Aar 1754 til Aaret 1781 | inclusive. | – | Kiøbenhavn, 1782. | Trykt hos Johan Rudolph Thiele.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1782
    Printer: Thiele, Johan Rudolph (1736-1815)
    Extent: 15 p.

    Keywords: Biography

  2. Bjarni Jónsson (1725-1798)
    Tractatus historico-criticus de feriis
    TRACTATUS | HISTORICO-CRITICUS | DE | FERIIS PAPISTICIS | VULGO | GAGN-DAGAR, | AUCTORE | Mag. BIARNIO JONÆO | olim Rfctore[!] Scholæ Cathedralis | Schalholtinæ, nunc Sacerdote | Ecclesiæ Gaulveriabajensis | in Islandia. | – | HAFNIÆ 1784, | ex officina J. R. Thieles.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1784
    Printer: Thiele, Johan Rudolph (1736-1815)
    Extent: 95 p.

    Keywords: History