Travels in Iceland Ferðabók Eggerts og Bjarna Travels in Iceland: performed by order of his Danish Majesty. Containing observations on the manners and customs of the inhabitants, a description of the lakes, rivers, glaciers, hot-springs, and volcanoes; of the various kinds of earths, stones, fossils, and petrifactions; as well as of the animals, insects, fishes, &c. By Messrs. Olafsen & Povelsen. Translated from the Danish. London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 6, Bridge-Street, Blackfriars, By Barnard & Sultzer, Water Lane, Fleet Street. 1805.
Athugasemd: Mjög stytt þýðing. Af eftirmála þýðanda, sem auðkennir sig F. W. B., og öðru má ráða að farið hefur verið eftir frönsku þýðingunni 1802 þótt á titilsíðu segi að þýtt sé úr dönsku. Ný útgáfa, Travels in Iceland by Eggert Ólafsson and Bjarni Pálsson, Reykjavík 1975. Efnisorð: Landafræði ; Ferðasögur