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  1. Arngrímur Jónsson Vídalín ; lærði (1568-1648)
    Crymogaea sive rerum Islandicarum
    CRYMOGAEA | SIVE | RERVM ISLAN- | DICARVM | LIBRI III. | Per | ARNGRIMVM JONAM | ISLANDVM. | ◯ | Proverb. 22. | Dives & pauper obviaverunt sibi: utriusqve opera- | tor est Dominus. | HAMBURGI, | In Bibliopolio Heringiano. | – | ANNO M. DC. XIV.

    Publication location and year: Hamborg, 1614
    Extent: [8], 172 [correct: 264] p., 1 table folded
    Version: 3

    Note: Titilútgáfa, 1. örk prentuð að nýju.
    Keywords: History
    Decoration: Bókarhnútar, smámyndir eða einkunnarorð.
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Icelandic books of the seventeenth century, Islandica 14 (1922), 49-50.