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  1. Homagii Islandici lætus Mercurius
    HOMAGII | ISLANDICI | LÆTUS | MERCURIUS | Adornatus | Humili stilo | RUNOLPHI JONÆ Islandi | – | HAFNIÆ, | Ex Officina Typographica PETRI HAKII, | ANNO M DC L.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1650
    Printer: Hake, Peter
    Extent: A-G. [56] p.

    Related item: Páll Hallsson (-1663): LÆTUS MERCURIUS AD DANIAM. G4a. Latínukvæði.
    Related item: Björn Magnússon (1623-1697): „MAttugur dijrdar Drotten …“ G4a-b. Kvæði.
    Keywords: Laws
    Bibliography: Jón Þorkelsson (1859-1924), Einar Arnórsson (1880-1955): Ríkisréttindi Íslands, Reykjavík 1908, 94 o. áfr. • Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Icelandic books of the seventeenth century, Islandica 14 (1922), 53-55.