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  1. Sturla Þórðarson (1214)
    Anecdotes of Olave the black
    ANECDOTES | OF | OLAVE the BLACK, | KING of MAN, | AND | THE HEBRIDIAN PRINCES OF THE | SOMERLED FAMILY, | TO WHICH ARE ADDED | XVIII. EULOGIES | ON | HACO KING of NORWAY, | BY | SNORRO STURLSON[!] | POET TO THAT MONARCH, | NOW FIRST PUBLISHED | in the ORIGINAL ISLANDIC from | the FLATEYAN and OTHER | MANUSCRIPTS; with a LITERAL | VERSION, and NOTES. | – | By the | Rev. JAMES JOHNSTONE A. M. Chaplain | to His Britannic Majesty’s Envoy | Extraordinary at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author 1780.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1780
    Extent: [6], 48 p.

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Related item: Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241): „Nokorar Vísor or Háttalykli SNORRA STURLASONAR of Konong HAKON ok SKULA Jarl.“ 34.-48. p.
    Note: Suðureyinga þáttur úr Hákonar sögu Hákonarsonar.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas