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  1. The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition
    THE | NORWEGIAN ACCOUNT | OF | HACO’S EXPEDITION | against | SCOTLAND; | A. D. MCCLXIII. | now first published, in the original Islandic, from the | FLATEYAN and FRISIAN mss. | with a literal English version and notes. | – | By | The Rev. James Johnstone A. M. Chaplain to | HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTYʼS | envoy extraordinary at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author 1782.

    Útgáfustaður og -ár: Kaupmannahöfn, 1782
    Umfang: xv, [1], 143, [17] bls.

    Útgefandi: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Efnisorð: Bókmenntir ; Fornrit ; Konungasögur