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  1. Vatnsdæla saga og Saga af Finnboga hinum ramma
    Vatnsdæla saga ok Saga af Finnboga hinum rama. Vatnsdølernes Historie og Finnboge hiin Stærkes Levnet. Bekostede af Hr. Jacob Aal … Udgivne af Mag. E. C. Werlauff … Kjøbenhavn, 1812. Trykt i det Kongl. Vaisenhuses Bogtrykkerie af C. F. Schubart. I Commission hos Hofboghandler Schubothe paa Børsen.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1812
    Publisher: Aall, Jakob (1773-1844)
    Printer: Schubart, Carl Fridrich (-1830)
    Extent: xxi, [3], 384 p.

    Editor: Werlauff, Erich Christian (1781-1871)
    Translator: Werlauff, Erich Christian (1781-1871)
    Note: Texti ásamt danskri þýðingu eftir útgefanda.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Sagas of Icelanders

  2. Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241)
    Norske kongers sagaer
    Snorre Sturlesons norske Kongers Sagaer. Oversatte af Jacob Aall … Andet Bind. Christiania. Trykt i Guldberg & Dzwonkowskis Officin ved P. T. Malling. 1839.

    Publication location and year: Oslo, 1839
    Printer: Malling, P. T.
    Extent: iv, 228 p., 4 plate, 2 map folded

    Translator: Aall, Jakob (1773-1844)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the sagas of the kings of Norway and related sagas and tales, Islandica 3 (1910), 24.

  3. Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241)
    Norske kongers sagaer
    Snorre Sturlesons norske Kongers Sagaer. Oversatte af Jacob Aall … Første Bind. Christiania. Trykt i Guldberg & Dzwonkowskis Officin ved P. T. Malling. 1838.

    Publication location and year: Oslo, 1838
    Printer: Malling, P. T.
    Extent: [6], xii, 365, [1] p., 6 plate

    Translator: Aall, Jakob (1773-1844)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the sagas of the kings of Norway and related sagas and tales, Islandica 3 (1910), 24.

  4. Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241)
    Norske kongers sagaer
    Snorre Sturlesons norske Kongers Sagaer. Oversatte af Jacob Aall … Tredie Bind. Christiania. Trykt i Guldberg & Dzwonkowskis Officin ved Ludvig Risum. 1839.

    Publication location and year: Oslo, 1839
    Printer: Risum, Ludvig
    Extent: x, 386, xviv [ɔ: xix], [1] p., 3 plate, 1 map folded

    Translator: Aall, Jakob (1773-1844)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the sagas of the kings of Norway and related sagas and tales, Islandica 3 (1910), 24.