A commentary on the epistles of St. John A Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, by Dr. Friedrich Lücke. Translated from the German, with additional notes, by Thorleif Gudmundson Repp. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 38. George Street. MDCCCXXXVII.
Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1837 Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas Umfang: xii, 384
bls. 8°
Þýðandi: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857) Viðprent: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857): „Translator’s address to the reader.“ v.-xii.
bls. Dagsett 10. nóvember 1836. Athugasemd: „The Biblical Cabinet; or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library. Vol. XV.“ Efnisorð: Guðfræði ; Biblían
The mineralogy and botany of the Bible The Mineralogy and Botany of the Bible. By E. F. C. Rosenmüller, D. D. Translated from the German, with additional notes by T. G. Repp and the rev. N. Morren. Edinburgh: Thomas Clarke, 38. George Street. MDCCCXL.
Carmen Carmen ad illustrissimum comitem Carolum Grey. D. XVII. Kal. Octobr. A. MDCCCXXXIV. Edinburgi: Impensis Thomæ Clark. Excudebat Andreas Shortrede. MDCCCXXXIV.
A historical treatise A historical treatise on trial by jury, wager of law, and other co-ordinate forensic institutions, formerly in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. By Thorl. Gudm. Repp. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, Law Bookseller, 38. George Street; and Saunders & Benning, 43. Fleet Street, London. MDCCCXXXII.
Að bókarlokum: „H. & J. Pillans, Printers, Edinburgh.“