A commentary on the epistles of St. John A Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, by Dr. Friedrich Lücke. Translated from the German, with additional notes, by Thorleif Gudmundson Repp. Edinburgh: Thomas Clark, 38. George Street. MDCCCXXXVII.
Útgáfustaður og -ár: Edinborg, 1837 Forleggjari: Clark, Thomas Umfang: xii, 384
bls. 8°
Þýðandi: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857) Viðprent: Þorleifur Guðmundsson Repp (1794-1857): „Translator’s address to the reader.“ v.-xii.
bls. Dagsett 10. nóvember 1836. Athugasemd: „The Biblical Cabinet; or Hermeneutical, Exegetical, and Philological Library. Vol. XV.“ Efnisorð: Guðfræði ; Biblían