Húspostilla eður einfaldar predikanir

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Húspostilla eður einfaldar predikanir
Huss-Postilla, | EDUR | EINFALLDAR | Predikaner | Yfer øll Hꜳtijda og Sun̄udaga Gudspiøll | Ared u Krijng. | Giørdar Af | Vel-Edla og Vel-Eruverdugum Sꜳl. Biskupenum | Yfer Skꜳlhollts Stifte, | Mag. Jone Thorkelssyne | VIDALIN. | An̄ar Parturen̄. | Frꜳ Trinitatis Sun̄udeige, til Adventu. | EDITIO VII. | – | Prentud ꜳ Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Halldore Erikssyne, Anno 1750.

Publication location and year: Hólar, 1750
Printer: Halldór Eiríksson (1707-1765)
Extent: 430.-711. p.
Version: 7

Keywords: Theology ; Collections of sermons for loud reading at home ; Sermons
Decoration: Myndskreyttur rammi á titilblaði.
Bibliography: Fiske, Willard (1831-1904): Bibliographical notices 4 (1889), 57.