Geography of books

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  1. Húspostilla eður einfaldar predikanir
    HVSS-POSTILLA, | EDVR | EINFALLDAR | PREDIK- | ANER | Yfer øll Hꜳtijda og Sun̄udaga Gudspiøll. | Giørdar | Af | Vel-Edla og Vel-Eruverdugum Sꜳl: Byskupenum | Yfer Skꜳlhollts Stifte, | MAG: JONE THORKELS-SYNE | VIDALIN. | An̄ar Parturen̄, | Frꜳ Trinitatis Sun̄udeige til Adventu. | EDITIO II. | – | Prentud a Hoolum i Hialltadal, Af Marteine Arnoddssyne, | An̄o 1726.

    Publication location and year: Hólar, 1726
    Printer: Marteinn Arnoddsson (1675-1747)
    Extent: 431 p.
    Version: 2

    Editor: Steinn Jónsson (1660-1739)
    Keywords: Theology ; Collections of sermons for loud reading at home ; Sermons
    Decoration: Myndskreyttur rammi á titilblaði.
    Bibliography: Fiske, Willard (1831-1904): Bibliographical notices 4 (1889), 42.