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  1. 3 copies   SteJon1730a Send Feedback: SteJon1730a
    Psalterium triumphale
    PSALTERIUM TRIUM- | PHALE. | EDVR | VPPRISV | Psaltare | Vt af | Dijrdarfullum Vpprisu Sigre | Vors Drotten̄s Jesu Christi. | Med Lærdooms-fullre Textans | Vtskijringu. | Giørdur | Af | Mag: Steine Jons-Syne | Biskupe Hoola-Stiptes. | Editio II. | – | Þrickt a Hoolum i Hialltadal, | Af Marteine Arnodds-Syne, | Anno 1730.

    Publication location and year: Hólar, 1730
    Printer: Marteinn Arnoddsson (1675-1747)
    Extent: [10], 175, [8] p.
    Version: 2

    Related item: Hallgrímur Pétursson (1614-1674): „So ad þessar Blad-Sijdur sieu ecke audar, er Epterfylgiande Psalmur, Ordtur af Sꜳl: Sr. H. P. S. Hier settur.“ [179.-183.] p.
    Keywords: Theology ; Hymns
    Decoration: Myndskreyttur rammi á titilblaði.
    Bibliography: Fiske, Willard (1831-1904): Bibliographical notices 6 (1907), 54.