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  1. Loðbrókarkviða or The death-song of lodbroc
    Lodbrokar Quida; or The Death-Song of Lodbroc; correctly grinted[!] from various manuscripts, with a free English translation. To which are added, the various readings; a literal Latin version; an Islando-Latino glossary; and explanatory notes. By … James Johnstone … A new edition. Copenhagen. Printed for G. Bonnier. MDCCCXIII.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1813
    Extent: 111 p.

    Translator: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Note: Titilblaðsútgáfa.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems

  2. Loðbrókarkviða or The death-song of lodbroc
    LODBROKAR-QUIDA; | OR | THE DEATH-SONG | OF | LODBROC; | now first correctly printed from various | MANUSCRIPTS, | with a free English translation. | To which are added, | the various readings; a literal Latin ver- | sion; an Islando-Latino glossary; and | explanatory notes. | – | By | The Rev. James Johnstone A. M. Chaplain to | HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTY’S | ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author MDCCLXXXII.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1782
    Printer: Stein, August Friderich (1728-1786)
    Extent: [4], 111 p.

    Editor: Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin (1752-1829)
    Translator: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Variant: Á sumum eintökum er titilblaðið frábrugðið að því leyti að í stað „Printed for the Author“ stendur „Printed by A. F. Steine“.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Scaldic poems
    Bibliography: Halldór Hermannsson (1878-1958): Bibliography of the mythical-heroic sagas, Islandica 5 (1912), 37.

  3. Sturla Þórðarson (1214)
    Anecdotes of Olave the black
    ANECDOTES | OF | OLAVE the BLACK, | KING of MAN, | AND | THE HEBRIDIAN PRINCES OF THE | SOMERLED FAMILY, | TO WHICH ARE ADDED | XVIII. EULOGIES | ON | HACO KING of NORWAY, | BY | SNORRO STURLSON[!] | POET TO THAT MONARCH, | NOW FIRST PUBLISHED | in the ORIGINAL ISLANDIC from | the FLATEYAN and OTHER | MANUSCRIPTS; with a LITERAL | VERSION, and NOTES. | – | By the | Rev. JAMES JOHNSTONE A. M. Chaplain | to His Britannic Majesty’s Envoy | Extraordinary at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author 1780.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1780
    Extent: [6], 48 p.

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Related item: Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241): „Nokorar Vísor or Háttalykli SNORRA STURLASONAR of Konong HAKON ok SKULA Jarl.“ 34.-48. p.
    Note: Suðureyinga þáttur úr Hákonar sögu Hákonarsonar.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas

  4. Sturla Þórðarson (1214)
    The Norwegian account of Haco's expedition
    THE | NORWEGIAN ACCOUNT | OF | HACO’S EXPEDITION | against | SCOTLAND; | A. D. MCCLXIII. | now first published, in the original Islandic, from the | FLATEYAN and FRISIAN mss. | with a literal English version and notes. | – | By | The Rev. James Johnstone A. M. Chaplain to | HIS BRITANNIC MAJESTYʼS | envoy extraordinary at the Court of | Denmark. | – | Printed for the Author 1782.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1782
    Extent: xv, [1], 143, [17] p.

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas

  5. Antiquitates Celto-Scandicæ
    [Antiqvitates Celto-Scandicæ]

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, perhaps 1815

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Provenance: Titilblaðsútgáfa prentunarinnar frá 1786, sbr. Dansk litteratur-tidende. Ekkert eintak er nú þekkt.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Sagas of Icelanders ; Kings' sagas
    Bibliography: Dansk litteratur-tidende 1824, 396.
  6. Antiquitates Celto-Scandicæ
    ANTIQUITATES | Celto-Scandicæ; | SIVE | SERIES RERUM GESTARUM | INTER | NATIONES BRITANNICARVM INSULARUM | ET | GENTES SEPTENTRIONALES. | EX | Snorrone; Land-nama-boc; Egilli Scallagrimi-saga; Niála-saga; | O. Tryggvasonar-saga; Orkneyinga-saga; Hriggiar-stikki; Knyt- | linga-saga; Speculo regali &c. | COMPILAVIT | JACOBUS JOHNSTONE, A. M. | Ecclesiæ Magheræ-crucis Rector; Legationis Britannicæ apud serenissimam aulam Danicam | secretarius; Academiarum regiarum Edinæ & Havniæ socius. | – | Havniæ | Typis Augusti Friderici Steinii. | MDCCLXXXVI.

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, 1786
    Printer: Stein, August Friderich (1728-1786)
    Extent: [4], 294, [2] p.

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Note: Texti ásamt latneskri þýðingu.
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Sagas of Icelanders ; Kings' sagas

  7. Sturla Þórðarson (1214)
    A fragment of ancient history

    Publication location and year: Copenhagen, perhaps 1783-1784
    Extent: 12 p. 16° (½)

    Editor: Johnstone, James (-1798)
    Related item: „Compositio inter wilhelmum Episcopum et Haconem Johannis.“ 10.-12. p.
    Provenance: Brot úr Magnúss sögu lagabætis, texti ásamt enskri þýðingu. Eitt eintak þekkt er í Háskólabókasafni í Konungsbókhlöðu í Kaupmannahöfn. Á ritið er minnst m. a. í formála Birgis Thorlacius og E. C. Werlauffs fyrir Noregskonungasögum 5 (1818), xv: „Skiønt Fragmentet er trykt i Kiøbenhavn efter den da til Danmark sendte Engelske Legationspræst’s Jacob Johnstons … Foranstaltning (henved Aar 1783 eller 1784, i Duodez med Engelsk Oversættelse, og hosføiet Aftryk af en Forening mellem Biskop Vilhelm og Hakon, i alt 12 Sider), saa er det dog aldrig udkommet; og der skal deraf ikke være trykt i alt uden en Snees Exemplarer.“
    Keywords: Literature ; Antiquities ; Kings' sagas